
January 21, 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Wow! This came as a great and pleasant surprise. Oana from All Fantasy Worlds and Cassie - Rafia from Fiction Fairies , nominated me for the Liebster Award.  
Thank you!

If you don’t know: Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers that have less than 200 followers and the purpose is to get to know them since we think that they deserve it. The word “Liebster” is German and means favorite. So, basically, I’m nominated for favorite blog award.

The steps are:
1. Tell 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer 11 questions from the bloger who nominated you.
3. Post 11 questions for those who will be nominated by you.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
5. Get in contact with those 11 bloggers in order to inform them that you nominated them

11 things about myself
1. I live in Romania, known to many as Dracula's country.
2. I am a teacher of English and German in my native town.
3. I've been reading and writing since I went to nursery.
4. My life-long dream to become a published writer has become reality.
5. I love Louis de Funes's movies.
6. I have two grown-up daughters and a three year-old grandson.
7. I have pets: several cats and a dog; a permanent source of both amusements and annoyance.
8.  I am fascinated by computers. If I'd been twenty years younger I'd have changed my job and become an IT engineer.
9. I am suspicious of people who don't read.
10. The words that characterize me: forgiving and perseverant.
11. My favorite places - libraries and bookstores; favorite color - purple.

Now the answers for the questions I received from Oana:
1. What other hobbies/ obsessions do you have besides reading and writing?
            Playing computer games. Mostly, role-playing games.
2. Do you lend your books to friends?
I do, even if, sometimes they tend to forget returning them. I like other people to read books I found interesting, captivating.
3. Have you ever convinced someone who hasn’t read a book in their life to start reading? How?
As I am a teacher I had this opportunity more than once. I asked the pupils to make comments on certain books and in the end they had to read them.
4. What book did you hate despite everyone saying it was awesome?
I will never hate a book. Or, anyway I've never had the opportunity to read something and hate it. I don't deny there may be books that urge people to hate their fellow-beings, that are full of hatred, prejudice, intolerance. I will absolutely hate such books.
5. Which book character would you like to date and why?
Edmond Dantes, from The Count of Monte Cristo. I found him fascinatingly courageous, honest and determined.
6. If your life would be turned into a movie, which actress/ actor would you like to play you and why?
Meryl Streep. Although she's not the glamorous type she is charismatic and friendly looking. I'd like to be acted by her.
7. Which is your favorite villain?
"Don" Vito Corleone from Mario Puzo's Godfather trilogy.
8. Is there a genre you would never read?
Non-fiction. Only if absolutely necessary, that is, something linked to my PC's management.
9. Which is your favorite classic novel?
Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Like Hardy I believe in fate and the predestined path of our existence.
10. What magic power would you like to have and why?
I'd like to be one of the characters in role-play games: a wizard having the power to make all bad things disappear from my country and from the whole world.
11. Who is your favorite author and what question would you ask him/ her if you had the chance.
I have more favorite authors. Let's choose one who's still alive: Stephen King. I'd ask him if he'd ever experienced any of the strange events going on in his books: It, The Shining.

My questions for the nominees:
1. Why did you get into blogging?
2. How did you come up with the name of your blog?
3. Do you have a favorite classical author?
 4. If you could swap the place with a famous author who would this be?
5. If you are a writer, too, which do you prefer best: writing on the blog or writing your book?
6. How do you feel when rejecting a review request from an author who asks you nicely?
7. How do you decide which book to review?
8. If you could choose a famous author to cooperate with you for a project who would this be?
9. What's your favorite book turned into movie?
10. What character in a book you've reviewed so far do you hate/love most?
11. If your life would become subject in a book what genre would it be: romance, thriller, horror, sci-fi and why?

I nominate the following bloggers for the Liebster Blog Award:
1. Shawn from
2. Liliana from
3. Terri from
4. Estefania from
5. Julia from
6. Natali from
7. Marcia from
8. Amy from
9. Josie from
10. Sonia from


  1. I laughed when I read the 9th thing you wrote about yourself... that you're suspicious of people who don't read. :)) I always avoid them because I never find topics we can talk about.

    I didn't know you studied Japanese too... It's a great language, but definitely a challenge. I hope I'll be able to learn it well enough in the next 2-3 years...

    Loved all your answers! I would date Edmond Dantes too. :)

    1. A real challenge, indeed. I only started and then...didn't finish. Naughty, naughty me!

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination :)

  3. You are welcome! I can hardly wait to read your answers.

  4. New Follower! Congrats on being nominated for the Liebster Award. :)

    Heather @ Owlnestly Reviews

  5. Thank you, Heather!
    I've just joined your blog and left a comment, too.
    An email waits for you in the inbox. Hope you'll agree.

  6. Thank you for nominating

    <3 Julia


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