
November 28, 2014

Book Reviews (XXXII) His Name Was Ben

                                 His Name Was Ben
                                  by Paulette Mahurin

Hearing the words “it’s cancer,” threw Sara Phillips’ life into chaos, until an unexpected turn of events and a chance encounter with a stranger changed everything—his name was Ben. Based on real events, Ben and Sara discover that when all else fails, healing can come in the most unexpected ways. Chilling and heart wrenching, His Name Was Ben is a triumph over the devastating circumstances and fear experienced when faced with a terminal illness. In this narrative, the power of love conquers shadows and transforms the very nature and meaning of what it is to be fully alive. From the award winning, best-selling author of, The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap, comes a story filled with soul and passion that will leave the reader thinking about it for days after the last page is closed.
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My Review
  I want to start off with saying  that Paulette Mahurin is an incredibly talented author. I can only hope to someday be half the writer she is. His  Name Was Ben is another wonderful novel from Paulette Mahurin. I really love her books because she tells a great story about people who are not perfect, but are doing the best they can. Paulette Mahurin writes heartfelt stories about deeply flawed and human characters and about tragedy; after all, what would a great story be without a tragic event!

As the author has done in her previous book, here again, she delivers a fascinating read that you just can't put down. Her characters are created with the perfect precision that only Paulette Mahurin can do. The story plot will keep you reading and make you hunger for more when you reach the end. I read her book, The Persecution Of Mildred Dunlap, and fell in love with Mahurin's writing. I have been waiting for another book like it, and she has come through for me. Mrs Mahurin writes stories that pull out a wide range of emotions when you are reading them.  The characters in His  Name Was Ben are relatable people.

She writes heroes and heroines that are a little different than you are used to reading about.  Sara Phillips is a likable character, and we hurt for her as she deals with the hell she’d been through, on the rollercoaster ride her life had become since the doctor diagnosed her with a fearful disease. She will need those around her as she struggles with an ugly reality, the monster in her life – cancer. Once healed from her double mastectomy, she awakens to life when meeting Ben Gottlieb, who works in the legal department at NASA. Ben is a patient, too, waiting to see Michael Zimmerman for a consultation. I hate spoilers so I won’t steal the other readers the pleasure of immersing in this compelling, touching story.

Tazz, the Rottweiler Sara saved from the shelter, is a perfect counter balance for the heartbreaking circumstances, Sara and Ben pass through.

Paulette Mahurin writes stories full of empathy, raw honesty, and grace. Her characters are memorable, the dialogue believable.  All in all the message is a positive one – fight, never give up. It’s about love, life versus living, believing in yourself and others.  I highly recommend this book. A compelling, touching story. My rating:

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  1. Thank you so much for featuring my book at your great site. It's such an honor to be featured by an author whose work I love. A very Happy Holiday to you and your family. Love, Paulette

  2. I thank you, Paulette!
    It was a pleasure and honor to read your heartwarming prose.
    The same best wishes to you and family, the four-legged friends included!

  3. I remember reading the blurb. Thanks for sharing your review!


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