
June 3, 2015

Wednesday Writing Wisdom (10) Jack London

“You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”

Jack London 

 (1876  - 1916)

Curious facts about:

London's mother was a spiritualist and his biological father was an astrologist.

While toiling in the gold fields of the Klondike, London became severally malnourished and lost several of his front teeth to scurvy. His failing health forced him to return home. When he returned to California in 1898, he was met with the news that his step-father, John London, had died. He decided to dedicate himself to professional writing in order to support his mother. From that moment on, he made it his discipline to write 1,000 words every day.

London was often accused of plagiarism, partly because he based many of his stories on newspaper and magazine articles.



  1. Oh, I just love Jack London! I devoured his books as a teenager. Actually, just thinking about them makes me want to read one again. Thanks for a great Wednesday Writing Wisdom, Carmen!

    1. I loved his books, too, and the advice given here is fabulous. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, Mae!

  2. Oh my, I had no idea about his parents-- how interesting! That is a great quote worth saying every day. I really like your Wednesday segments! Thanks so much.

    1. I am glad you enjoy the post, Flossie! Thank you for visiting!
      I like his piece of advice as well as his way of writing one thousand words each day. They say you must keep the "juices" flowing.

  3. Oh my, I had no idea about his parents-- how interesting! That is a great quote worth saying every day. I really like your Wednesday segments! Thanks so much.

  4. There is nothing new in the world. We all plagiarize whether we mean to or not.

    Your Thursday Thirteen link seems to have vanished. :-)

    1. Thursday13 is on MFRWAuthor blog, not here.
      Thank you for letting me know, I will check it.


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