
August 8, 2016

Writing Tips (XVII) Literary Journals and Magazines that Publish Creative Writing

Acceptances at one of these journals and magazines can make a huge difference in your career as a writer. Not all are currently open to submissions. None of them charge readers to submit.

The Atlantic
The Atlantic is open to submissions of poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. They pay well. If you haven’t heard of the Atlantic before, I am surprised. Maybe visiting the website will jog your memory.
The New Yorker
The most famous (and most profitable) magazine with a literary bent, The New Yorker is very competitive.  However, they accept unsolicited submissions of fiction, poetry, and cartoons. They pay very well.
The most famous poetry magazine there is. It is published by The Poetry Foundation. The first time you have a poem printed by them an asterisk appears next to your name.
The Sun
The Sun is a fabulous ad free magazine that has been around for over 40 years and has published so many famous writers, I cannot even choose five to name drop. The publish fiction, creative non-fiction, memoir, and poetry. They only accept submissions through the mail. They even pay well.
This prestigious print magazine also has a wonderful weekly online feature called “Poets Respond” which features poems that are responses to news articles published that week.
This print and electronic literary journal publishes great straight forward fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Granta has editions in twelve languages across three continents.


  1. Replies
    1. Glad you like them, Flossie. I always hope that someone will find them useful.

  2. A fab collection for submitting work. Thanks for sharing, Carmen!


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