
September 23, 2016

Book Review (LVII) The Experimental Notebook by C.S. Boyack

A second collection of short stories and micro-fiction. Every story can be read in a single session. This time there are a few tributes to the pulp era. Stories include science fiction, paranormal, and horror.

My Review

The Experimental Notebook has some hair raising stories! The creep factor is way up there as well. Fascinating and sometimes chilling, the author created enough variety here to hook people of every interest as there are paranormal stories, horror/macabre and even sci-fi. 
The storytelling is generally well paced and flows nicely. My attention was held by the author’s highly imaginative, well-written and captivating short stories...and so was my imagination.
The mystery and subtleties are magical. No blatant, oozing zombies come crashing through doors, gnashing and gnawing live victims. The stories are artfully spun psychological weapons of intrigue, drawing on the reader's imagination.
 I enjoyed them all but I have several favorites: Magpies, Documentary, Jason Fogg, Questing ,Holo – Barkers, Night Bump Radio and Practical Geology. I already feel Career Move or Another Saturday Night are angry with me because I left them aside.  If I could give all these stories a rating of 10 stars, I most definitely would do so.
Each of the  fifteen tales in the collection contains an unexpected twist in the character or outcome.  C.S. Boyack seems to have the knack of taking one idea and spinning it, like a spider's web coming from one small strand, into a very fine and very wide reaching net that catches you and keeps you involved until the end.
Top quality ... you just can't go wrong with this one!


  1. I love the cover, and you have perked my interest even more with your wonderful review. I got a big chuckle out of Career Move and Another Saturday Night possibly being ticked off at you. Thanks for showcasing this gem!

    1. It's a great read. You can read them while traveling by car(not as the driver), or during lunch break. Or read them all at once. Captivating.

  2. I love the cover, and you have perked my interest even more with your wonderful review. I got a big chuckle out of Career Move and Another Saturday Night possibly being ticked off at you. Thanks for showcasing this gem!

  3. Great review, Carmen. I especially like the spider web comparison. I've read this collection and thought it was fabulous, each story so unique and imaginative!

    1. I enjoyed them and hopefully there will be a next collection soon.

    2. Thank you, Mae. You've been such a great supporter.

  4. Thank you, Carmen. So glad you enjoyed the stories. The review is much appreciated too.

  5. His first Notebook was excellent as well. I'm currently reading this volume and enjoying it even more than the first!

    1. Thanks, PH. Glad you're enjoying these, and hope it holds up for you.

    2. Thank you for checking the post and leaving a comment!
      For me, this second collection was my first sampling of this gifted author's writing. And it won't be the last, for sure.


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