
October 25, 2016

Mysteriou Romania (XVII) UFO Wreckage?

UFO Wreckage? Ancient Metal Object Found in Romania Has Unexplained Origins

Ancient Metal Object Found in Romania Has Unexplained Origins

A worked piece of aluminum which is believed to have been made 250,000 years ago is making world history news headlines. The composition and possible purpose of the object is baffling scientists and exciting UFO enthusiasts.
The artifact, also known as the object of Aiud, was discovered in Romania in 1973, but is said to have been hidden from public knowledge until recently. It was found with two other artifacts by builders working on the shores of the Mures River near the town of Aiud in central Romania.
According to the Daily Mail , the three objects were discovered 10 meters (33 feet) underground. When archaeologists arrived at the site they found that two of the pieces were large bones from a large extinct mammal that died sometime between 10,000-80,000 years ago. The third of the artifacts was a strange discovery – a piece of hand-made or manufactured metal which measures 20 cm (7.8 inches) long, 12.5 cm (4.9 inches) wide, and 7 cm (2.8 inches) thick. At that time, it was suggested that the metal object was a lightweight axe head.
Following its discovery, lab tests were conducted on the metal object in Lausanne, Switzerland. The results of those tests showed that the artifact is made of 12 metals and is 90 percent aluminum. The object also has concavities, which some sources say make it appear as if it was a part of a mechanical system.
Romanian officials have estimated its age to be about 250,000 years old, however, other experts who tested the artifact say it could be between 400 and 80,000 years old instead. But, that age range still raises eyebrows.
A piece of aluminum which was found in Romania in 1973 and some say is evidence of ancient alien contact.
A piece of aluminum which was found in Romania in 1973 and some say is evidence of ancient alien contact. ( Viralvidz/YouTube)
As Tech Times reports, humans started producing metallic aluminum only about 200 years ago. Yet, while recounting the history of aluminum, AZO Materials writes:
“Aluminium bearing compounds have been used by man from the earliest times, pottery was made from clays rich in hydrated silicate of aluminium. Ancient Middle Eastern civilisations used aluminium salts for the preparation of dyes and medicines: they are used to this day in indigestion tablets and toothpaste. At one point in history, aluminium was such a valuable commodity that rulers and the wealthy preferred impressing their guests with plates and cutlery made from aluminium rather than gold.”
Despite its long history on earth, the general belief is that metal aluminum was not discovered until the 1800s. The main reason for this is said to be because aluminum “never occurs naturally in metallic form. Aluminium is found in most rocks, clay, soil and vegetation combined with oxygen and other elements.” [via AZO Materials]

What is the real origin of this artifact? The question has yet to be fully answered. As the Inquisitr points out “after it went on display recently at the History Museum of Cluj-Napoca, museum officials placed a sign that said, “origin still unknown.”” For now, the object of Aiud is another example of an unexplained ancient mystery.
 Read the whole article here:


  1. Fascinating post, Carmen! I love this stuff. Since 4th grade I have thought mankind was only starting over in the time periods we learned about in school--Mesopotamia, Egypt, and other ancient locales. I think we may have been seeded by aliens and have started over more than one time, maybe in slightly different forms in some cases, after destroying ourselves or being annihilated.

    1. I agree with you in everything you are saying, Flossie. There are so many things that can be explained only in this light- there are extraterrestrial-civilizations who came here and we are the result. Either we were a kind of experiment they tried, or an interracial result. Things are complicated and we aren't old the truth, I am pretty sure. A pity these aliens created men with this self destructing inclination and with a belligerent, greedy character.

  2. Fascinating post, Carmen! I love this stuff. Since 4th grade I have thought mankind was only starting over in the time periods we learned about in school--Mesopotamia, Egypt, and other ancient locales. I think we may have been seeded by aliens and have started over more than one time, maybe in slightly different forms in some cases, after destroying ourselves or being annihilated.

  3. What a fascinating post, Carmen. Wouldn't it be something if it did come from another race and planet?
    Hope you have a pleasant, productive day.

    1. I'm sure it did. There's no other logical explanation otherwise.
      You, too!
      Thanks for checking my post!

  4. Oooh, I love mysteries and things of unknown origins! This is such a timely post because my upcoming December release focuses on UFOs (a topic I find fun and interesting to explore). This is all extremely fascinating, especially given the age dating on the artifact!

    1. UFOs are such controversial topics, yet, I feel they are as real as we are humans. I don't know why governments keep denying their existence and laugh ironically at those who claim they saw one.


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