
April 25, 2016

Night of the Mothman by Mae Clair

I had the luck to read an ARC copy of this highly captivating and intriguing story. One of Mae's best, trust me.

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A pair of red evil eyes staring out from a black backgroundTomorrow is release day for A THOUSAND YESTERYEARS, the first novel in my Point Pleasant series. I’m not actually kicking off a blog tour until the beginning of May, but I thought I’d do a couple of posts related to Mothman sightings this week, since he factors so highly into the novel and series.
The first sighting of the infamous cryptid took place on the night of November 15, 1966. Roger Scarberry, his wife Linda, and friends Steve and Mary Mallette took a drive to the “TNT,” a remote wooded area approximately six miles outside of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Once a World War II munitions site, the region was popular with many young couples who simply wanted a place to hang out away from town.
A Thousand Yesteryears 2The two couples parked near an abandoned power plant and were chatting when they spied two glowing red spheres behind a gate. It didn’t take long to realize those disembodied spheres were actually eyes. A creature unlike any they had ever seen regarded them steadily in the darkness. Towering nearly seven feet tall, the nightmarish form appeared humanoid with enormous wings folded behind its back.....
Read the rest of the post here:


  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Carmen! I am so excited about this novel (as you know, LOL). Getting to spin a tale woven from history and folklore has been a wonderful writing experience. I hope readers will enjoy discovering his creepy legend as much as I did writing about it!

    1. Most welcome, Mae!
      I am sure you can hardly wait to see the novel released. I am sure it will be a bestseller.

  2. It's finally here? Fabulous and I can't wait to read it!

    1. You'll find it a great read, I'm sure, Flossie. Tomorrow I post the review I wrote after reading the ARC. Thanks for stopping by!


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