
April 23, 2016

Wednesday Writing Wisdom (46) William Shakespeare

                                        April 23, 1564

          "The object of art is to give life shape."


He was not of an age, but for all time!—Ben Jonson (1572-1637)


  1. I love Shakespeare and wish I had seen more productions as well as just reading the plays. His tragedies, comedies, and histories are magnificent, some profound. I love A Winter's Tale, which some say he didn't write. Fabulous poetry too! Thanks for highlighting him.

    1. I love his works too, Flossie. I was especially attracted by his "blood and thunder tragedies," like Titus Andronicus or Hamlet. I told you there's a darker side in me.
      So this was my tiny tribute to the great bard's anniversary.

  2. OMGoodness, I can't believe I missed this post! I'm actually drawn to Shakespeare's lighter plays. My favorites are Twelfth Night and A Midsummer's Nights Dream, though I've read many of his tragedies as well. A man without equal!

    1. A landmark in universal literature, though, most of the subjects in his play were not original. He was a great borrower, but he mad legends, stories, etc exquisite gems.


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