Publishers Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts from Writers - No Agent Needed
These publishers accept manuscripts directly from
writers. As is the case with most publishers that don't require an agent, they
have a narrow focus. But, if your work falls into the categories they publish,
you will have a good chance of having your proposal read. As always, go to the
website, look at their other publications to see if yours will be a good fit,
and follow all of their submission guidelines carefully.
Beer Press
Small Beer Press was founded in 2000 and is run by
Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Link. It publishes books as Small Beer Press, Big
Mouth House, and Peapod Classics, and occasionally chapbooks and a zine - on
recycled paper.
They also have an ebooksite for indie presses:
Weightless Books.
Generally, they publish 6-10 books per year. They
pay a small advance and standard royalties. Their ebook royalty rate is 40% of
net receipts. While their catalog is not extensive, they do have two short
story collections by Ursula LeGuin.
What they are looking for: Fiction (leaning toward
the speculative), both short story collections and novels. No poetry.
How to submit: Print format by post only.
Please send a query with the first 10-20 pages of
the book (not the full manuscript) in standard manuscript format, and an SASE
(with a Forever Stamp or an international reply coupon) by mail to:
Small Beer Press
150 Pleasant St., #306
Easthampton, MA 01027
Phone: 413.203.1636

Email: info at smallbeerpress.com
Allworth Press publishes business and self-help
information for the general public and creative professionals. They share distribution with Skyhorse
Publishing, using W. W. Norton in the United States. Allworth Press titles are
now distributed in Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Southern
Africa, the Philippines, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Books from Allworth
Press have been translated into many languages, including Chinese, Spanish,
Portuguese, German, and Japanese. Allworth Press currently has 300 titles in
What they are looking for: Graphic Design, Business,
Performing Arts, Interior Design, Art, Theater, Web Design, Book Arts,
Photography, Crafts.
How to submit: Prospective authors should submit a
book proposal that includes a query letter, synopsis (1-2 pages), annotated
chapter outline, market analysis, sample chapter (or two), bio, and SASE.
Send all submissions to: allworthsubmissions
@skyhorsepublishing.com. If they are interested, they will get back to you
within 4-6 weeks
City Lights Publishers is famous for launching
several poets, including Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg, but this
press also specializes in literary fiction and nonfiction. City Lights
publishes 12 books a year.
From the website: For over fifty years, City Lights
has been a champion of progressive thinking, fighting against the forces of
conservatism and censorship. We are committed to publishing works of social
responsibility, and to maintaining a tradition of bringing renegade literature
from other parts of the world into English. In our function of discovery, we
will continue to publish cutting-edge contemporary literature and brilliant new
What they are looking for: Fiction, essays, memoirs,
translations, poetry, and books on social and political issues. They do not
publish New Age, self-help, children’s literature, how-to guides, or genre
works such as romance, westerns, or science fiction.
How to submit: City Lights does not accept
unsolicited manuscripts, but they do accept proposals. Prospective authors
should submit the following:
A one to
two-page letter that describes your book and includes your resumé, with a list
of any prior publications and information about your relevant writing and
professional experience.
A sample
(10–20 pages maximum) of your work.
additional outline and table of contents for a nonfiction work.
To receive a response, you must enclose a
self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). You will receive a reply from our staff
within six months letting you know if they want to see a complete manuscript.
Telephoning or e-mailing will not speed up the review process.
City Lights takes no responsibility for the loss or
damage of submitted materials. Please do not submit irreplaceable materials.
They do not accept proposals by e-mail or at the
front desk at City Lights Bookstore.
Please mail proposals to:
Editorial Department
City Lights Publishers
261 Columbus Avenue
San Francisco CA 94133
Review Press
Academy Chicago Publishers is one of the oldest
publishing houses in Chicago. They publish both fiction and nonfiction and have
more than two hundred published titles on their list. Academy Chicago publishes
about 60 new titles yearly under five imprints: Chicago Review Press, Lawrence
Hill Books, Ball Publishing, Zephyr Press, and Academy Chicago.
What they are looking for: Chicago Review Press
publishes general nonfiction on a wide range of subjects including history,
popular science, music, film, biography, autobiography, DIY, craft, and travel,
as well as an award-winning line of children's activity books and young adult
biographies. Lawrence Hill Books publishes nonfiction on topics of African
American interest, progressive politics, Middle Eastern studies, and feminism.
Ball Publishing specializes in gardening books, and Zephyr Press publishes
professional development titles for teachers. Academy Chicago publishes
memoirs, mysteries, and other exciting, new, and well-crafted fiction and
How to submit: For non-fiction send:
A brief
synopsis of your proposed book in 1–2 paragraphs
estimated word count of the final manuscript
estimated completion date
biography or resume specifying credentials and publication credits, where
Approximate sales of previous books published, if any
A complete
table of contents and/or a complete outline of the proposed chapters
1–2 sample
For children's activity books, include a few sample
activities and list the others
information regarding photographs or artwork for the book
description of the target audience and any information about the market
A list of
competing and comparable titles and how your book differs—be sure to tell us
what makes your book unique
Please e-mail your proposal to
Their turnaround time on reviewing proposals is
about 4–6 weeks.
Read more at Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity
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