November 10, 2016

I am a Guest Today

I know I haven't posted much, lately. Life always finds something to throw in my way. And not always good things. But, I try to overcome the obstacles.
I only want you all to know that I am a guest, answering  a few questions on writing, here:

                                   An indie adventure

If you'd like to check it and leave a comment, I'd be honored! I and my characters thank you in advance!
  And here is the dual version, English and Romanian, of my  poem that led me to write
 Shadows of the Past

Buy link:Amazon


In the quiet solitude
of a small, remote convent,
Only prayers seem alive
on the lips of holy sisters.
Candles flicker in their hands
like lost souls in search of light,
And the yellowish, faint glimmer
makes a halo’ round their whispers.
Era is eternity.
Garments, litany unchanged.
Just a film of smoke on walls
clings mute witness to new faces,
To the passing-by of time,
deathlessness of love and hope,
To this monolith of faith
heaving over age and spaces !


In tacerea solitara

a micutei abatii
Doar cuvintele de ruga
ale maicilor sunt vii.

Lumanarea palpainda,

suflet ratacit, damnat
Cautandu-si izbavirea
in lacasu-ndepartat.
Slujba, straie, neschimbate.
Totul e ca in trecut.
Si doar fumul de tamaie
pe pereti e martor mut,
Al atator vremuri scurse
peste-altarul de credinta,
A sperantei nemurire
Si-a iubirii biruinta.




  1. Beautiful poem, Carmen. I can see why it inspired you. xx

    1. Yes, it's in fact my poem and later I thought it would make a nice story about Genevieve's fate. Thank you for checking my post!

  2. Love love love that poem. So touching and moving. It gives me a sense of history and peace. I commented on your great guest post.

    1. It makes me happy to know you enjoyed my lines. It's one of my poems dear to me. All are, but this one is somehow special. Thanks for commenting here and on my guest post! I replied, too.
      Have a great weekend!

  3. Replies
    1. I am glad you find it beautiful. Thank you for checking my post, Sandra!

  4. What a beautiful poem, Carmen. I can see where it would have inspired you to write Shadows of the Past. I'm hopping over to An Indie Adventure now to check out your interview. Fingers crossed that life settles down for you soon! :)

    1. Thank you, Mae! I am glad you enjoyed reading the poem. You remember, of course, as you read Shadows of the Past, that I had the first lines as a motto in the novel.

  5. Thought provoking poem. I read this book and it is truly thought provoking and deep too.

    1. Thank you, Linda, for checking my post! Your words on the poem and the novel are a comfort to me.

  6. Great post, thanks for doing the book hooks hop with me and other authors. Anita

    1. Thank you, Anita!
      I'd have done it more often but I simply forgot and I still can't manage all the things asked for. I hope next time I do it better.

  7. Love the poem and can see how it inspired the book! Tweeted!


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