July 7, 2016

Book spotlight Beyond The Old Green Door

I am thrilled to host today Australian artist and author Julie Darcy. We took part in several tours and today she comes to tell us about her latest release:
           Beyond The Old Green Door

Beyond the Old Green Door -is where Urban Fantasy, Steam Punk Erotica, meets, re-incarnation with a twist of magic and those sexy little bits everyone loves.

Can the impossible really become possible?

Sherry's world falls to pieces when the honeymoon she had planned in Rio with her fiancée turns to a tragedy with his death in a plane crash. Can a twist of fate, a wrong turn and a touch of magic find the love and passion she thought she had lost in the arms of another? Or will her love once again be torn apart?

Can a wish really turn back time?

With an exhaustive sigh, she rose and wandered down the narrow rows of merchandise, examining many items but touching nothing. A delicate aroma drifted through the air, and her nose twitched as it picked up an intoxicating scent of sweet spice and roses. A bittersweet smile spread her lips. Lachlan had arranged to have a bouquet of red and white blossoms delivered to their hotel room upon her arrival. Attached to the arrangement was a card that read, Love you, now, and forever.

Sherry wiped the tears from her cheeks and glanced down. Through a haze, an unusual golden idol caught her eye. The hair on her nape rose.
Where had she seen it? Visions from her dream last night surfaced. Of course…the decadent couple embracing. With a mixture of dread and curiosity, she reached for the statue to examine it closer, but she was halted by a voice.
“Are you sure that is the one you want?”
Sherry glanced up, her hand hovering above the statue, her gaze traveling to the old man at the end of the row of shelves; tall and wizened, a long white beard hung to his waist and tiny silver stars adorned his royal blue robes. If it hadn’t been for the serious look on the man’s face and the hint of warning in his tone, Sherry might have laughed. He reminded her of a character straight from the annals of an Arthurian tale.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I must come as a bit of a surprise, but my clientele has come to expect a certain amount of eccentricity from me.” His warm smile calmed her. “Hence the gown.” He smoothed his hands down his robe and gave a soft laugh.
Sherry smiled back and nodded toward the idol. “It’s a lovely piece,” she said, lowering her hand to her side. “Is it real gold?”
“Yes, but gilded only.” His gaze met hers as he wandered toward her. “However, the piece is not for you. You have suffered much tragedy and have no need for more.
Still out of sorts, Sherry’s words came more harshly than she intended. “Are you a seer? Do you tell fortunes?”
“I read people,” he said, hovering over her. “You have lost your parents and…” He peered at her as if searching her mind. “Someone else you loved dearly.”
“Lachlan, my fiancée.” She glanced away from his penetrating gaze. “We were to be married today.”
“Ah, yes, I see.”
She swung back. “Fine then, tell me. What does my future hold without Lachlan? He was my world, and now all I see is a bleak, desolate hole.” Mesmerized by the deep violet of his eyes against his weathered face, she tried to look away, but failed.
The old man took her hand and rubbed it between his gnarled fingers. “Do you really wish me to tell you? The truth can be painful.”
“What does it matter now?” Tears escaped her eyes and stained her silk blouse. “Surely the future can be no worse than the present.”
He squeezed his eyes closed and spoke in a deep, sonorous tone, his voice sounding much younger than he looked. “The future holds many paths,” he said. “But on one path only do I see your man. Your lives are one, and you live happily together to a ripe old age, surrounded by children.
“On another path, your man dies and you are forced to carve out a life on your own. You never marry, and your life is lonely, but you become a brilliant historian.”
He opened his eyes and dropped her hand.
She searched his face. “Is that all?”
“I could go on, but as I have told you, only in one of your futures did I see your man.” His voiced softened. “That is the question you wished to ask, is it not?”
Sherry stepped back and hid her disappointment by looking over his shoulder into blank space. How she wanted to believe him, but what he spoke of seemed unattainable. She could not allow herself to wander down this path of dreams and illusions, no matter how much she wanted it.
She leaned forward and reached for the idol, but he caught her hand again. “If you could ask for anything, anything at all, what would it be?”
A stab of pain tore through her heart. “Why do you torment me with such useless talk, and why have you stopped me twice now from touching this idol?”
The old man laughed. “A question for a question, ah. I wasn’t expecting that. I think I am beginning to like you.” His brow furrowed, and his lips curled into a smile. “What can I say except to leave you with one thought?”
“Yes?” she said listening intently.
“True happiness is like a warm breeze that touches your life when you least expect it.”
Sherry shook her head. Crazy. There would be no happiness for her without Lachlan. “Then you must know what I would choose,” she said. “I want to see Lachlan alive again, go back five days, but that is impossible.”
He waved a hand before him. “And if you could select any piece in my store, what would you choose?
“I have already chosen, have I not? Drawn to this golden idol from the moment I entered your shop, I would choose this statue.”
“Then let it be upon your own head.” He shook his shaggy mane and released her hand. “You were given a choice.”
Sherry plucked the idol from the shelf. “I don’t understand—”
Her words came to her through a tunnel, and a vivid palette of colors flashed behind her eyelids. Time ceased to exist, and the old wizard disappeared like fog rolling out to the ocean. Down…down…she tumbled into a pit of darkness. She burst through only to be pitched into a tunnel of bright, whirling lights, and, still, she plummeted, spinning faster and faster until all thought, all reality vanished and only a feeling of terrible dread existed. She closed her eyes, ceased her struggles, and allowed her mind and body to float free.
Until she came to a thudding halt.

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About the Author
Julie A. D’Arcy - lives in Wangaratta, Australia with her partner Philip and her Tokenise cat Jesse. Julie has been a writer for twenty years and has been published for almost as long. Her first two novels Time of the Wolf and Silverdawn were first published in 1999 and the year 2001and Shortlisted for several prestigious awards, including the PEARL and Sapphire, with Time of the Wolf winning the 1999 RIO (Reviewers International, Dorothy Parker Award) in the Fantasy category for Women’s Fiction. Both books were also runners up in the prestigious Australian, R*BY Award run by the Australian RWA.

Julie began writing seriously in 1994, and has been published by ImaJinn Books, Mundania Press, Double Dragon Press, Eternal Press, Noble Romance Publishing LLC, Moongypsy Press, Secret Cravings Publishing and Sweet Cravings Publishing and is now at iHeart Publishing.

Watch for Julie’s Tarlisian Sagas. The Dragon and the Rose, and Elven Magick, andthe re-release of The Cross of Tarlisand The Realm of the Wolf.

Her single titles include: Silverdawn, Night’s Eternal Vow, Whisper of Yesterday,Spellbound,The Shape of Destiny,Beyond the Old Green Doorand short GAY story, Encounter in Paradise.”All with Amazon and other online stores or will be soon.

You will find Julie A. D’Arcy athttp://www.julieadarcy.com

Julie’s hobbies include reading, making greeting cards, and creating video trailers and book covers for other authors.  She loves to hear from people who have read her books. Please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

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  1. That's a gorgeous cover. I like the idea about being able to turn back time. Congrats to Julie on what looks like an intriguing release!

    1. I loved the cover, too and from the blurb and excerpt it sounds a book right my alley.
      Thank you for leaving a comment, Mae!

  2. Thank you for leaving your comments girls. Glad you enjoyed reading the excerpt:-)

  3. Wonderful title. Anything green sets well with me. Striking cover too. I always enjoy Julie's books and admire her entrepreneurial spirit.

  4. Wonderful title. Anything green sets well with me. Striking cover too. I always enjoy Julie's books and admire her entrepreneurial spirit.


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